Termite infestations are not always obvious, they enter the structure through pinholes or tiny cracks in the foundation and walls. This occurs in both block homes, as well as in wood frame homes. The first visible signs of termites are most commonly swarmers or damaged wood. This usually means that the colony has been in the structure for quite some time. To help locate these we use moisture meters to detect possible termite galleries that are not yet visible.
Michael's Termite And Pest Control performs the initial inspection. This involves checking for any signs of wood damage to the interior and exterior premises, walls, slabs, attics, foundations, and interior closets. Along with looking for termites, we also check for signs of other wood infesting insects, fungus, or water damaged wood.
Once the inspection is complete, you are provided with a Wood-Destroying Organisms Inspection Report, which is the official Florida document, that can only be performed by qualified, licensed inspectors.
The Solution
If termites are detected, we provide treatment and prevention backed by a 5 year guarantee. We use Termidor HE as a perimeter treatment to provide 100% protection around your home or business. Termidor HE is a non repellent product, termites travel through it unknowingly and take it back to their colonies for full eradication of the colony.